Welcome to our fifth Community Builder profile, as we go mid-Island to hear from the head of Community Futures’ office in Nanaimo, Jolynn Green. Read about her love for community, entrepreneurial passion and how her values and philosophy have carried over to...
Welcome to the inaugural issue of the quarterly Rural BC Economic Bulletin from Community Futures British Columbia. The Bulletin will highlight the latest data and economic trends for the regions covered by the Community Futures network, including the smallest rural...
This past year has been challenging and many businesses and organizations have had to pivot their business models in order to serve clients and earn revenues. It is times like these that force us to evaluate and challenge our business model and practices, leading us...
Setting goals and objectives for your business is incredibly important for success. Goals enable you to decide the direction of your business, provide motivation towards a goal/image and is an excellent measure of your progress. Ideally long-term goals are set for...
Solopreneurship is defined as an entrepreneur who runs a one man or one woman ship without employees. The ability to manage your own time offers great flexibility but also requires a lot of discipline. Your schedule doesn’t have to revolve around a set work schedule;...
More than half a century ago, in June of 1966, Robert F Kennedy said, “There is a Chinese curse which says, ‘May he live in interesting times’. Like it or not we live in interesting times. They are times of danger and uncertainty; but they are also more open to the...